A New Homeowner’s Guide: How to Set Up Utilities When Buying a House

A woman who just moved into a new home in NYC.
A woman who just moved into a new home in NYC.

Every year, an estimated 14% of the U.S. population moves to a new home, but only a fraction of these movers are ready by the time they start unpacking in their new home.

If you want to make sure you have electricity, water, gas, and Internet on the first day you move in, we’ll show you how to set up utilities when buying a house.

How to Set Up Utilities When Buying a House

If you don’t want any lapses in your utilities when you move, then you’re in luck. We’ve provided you with a to-do list for making sure you’re set up in time for your move-in day.

Find Out Who Your Providers Will Be

Generally, standard utilities and services include gas, electricity, water, waste collection and Internet service.

Depending on where and how far away you’re moving, your current utility provider may not provide service to your new home. This, unfortunately, means that you won’t be able to transfer your account over to a new address simply.

Ways to determine who the utility providers are for your new home include asking your real estate agent, landlord, or inquire at the local municipal building or city hall.

Set Up Your Accounts in Advance

Once you’ve found out who your utility providers are, contact them to let them know your move-in date and schedule service at your new home to start one day before your scheduled move-in.

By doing this, you give your service providers plenty of time to set up the needed hardware in your new home.

Many service providers need a firm move-in date before they can help you, so you need to make sure you know when you’ll be moving. Also, ask them if they have any discounts for new homeowners like you.

Cut Ties With Your Current Provider

Many providers request that you contact them two weeks before your move-out date to schedule the end of your service. Schedule the utilities at your current home to be shut off a day or two after your move-out date to allow for a slight overlap in case you need to return to the home or your move is delayed.

Update Your Address

Don’t forget to update your address as well. Set up a forwarding address with the post office, to make sure you are covered but take additional steps too.

When you disconnect your current utility services, inform each company about your new address. That service provider will need a new address to send your last bill, which will be ready after the shutoff/disconnect date.

If you don’t update your address, your final bills will go to your old house. Avoid confusion and potential late charges by making sure they have your new address.

Need More Help Moving?

Moving is a challenge, so we hope this guide on how to set up utilities when buying a house has relieved some of your stress. If you’re moving either locally or across the country and need reliable movers on your team, be sure to check out the services we provide.

We can make sure all of your belongings get to your new home safely!


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