How to Make Your Children Feel Comfortable at a New School

Back to school poster

Welcome to the First Day of School? 

Moving to a new home can be challenging for many different reasons- and it can be even more difficult when you’re about to be the new kid in class. Children are often times very nervous about attending a new school for the first time, and it can be hard for them to adjust and excel academically in an unfamiliar environment. If you have kids who are going to be attending a new school post move, you might want to consider these tips to help them feel comfortable with the situation at hand.

See if the new neighbors have kids their age.

Meeting new friends will probably be one of the most significant if not the biggest concerns for your children. If you are moving soon and haven’t reached out to your future neighbors, you might want to check in with them. If neighbors or others in your immediate area have kids similar in age to your children, this might make the adjustment a little easier by providing them with an immediate social contact to have.

Assure them that they can keep in contact with their current friends.

With all the technology out there these days, nobody really falls out of touch if they want to keep communicating with someone far away. Your kids are probably upset about having to leave the relationships and friendships they have formed in their current hometown, so it’s very important that you remind them that they aren’t losing anyone. Tell them that they will be able to call/FaceTime old friends often and you’ll even let them go back and visit if they are old enough to do so.

Encourage them to continue with the same routine.

Continuing old activities can also help give your children a sense of familiarity and comfort. If they had a specific hobby at their old school, you should also encourage them to keep doing it at their new school. If they loved soccer before, tell them they can do that same sport just with new team members!

Also encourage them to get involved in popular sports/clubs at the new school.

Even if your children were not super involved at their old school, encouraging them to get involved can actually help open up a bunch of new opportunities for them to meet people. Getting involved with a sports team or club can also help to take their mind off the relocation by giving them a hobby.

Let them know they’re not alone.

According to the Maryland School Mental Health Alliance, you should reassure your children that the adjustment to a new school often takes time. Let them know that you’re still adjusting to the area too and that soon this will all feel simply routine.

Ready to move?

Here at Liberty Moving & Storage we have the expertise needed to help you and your family have an excellent moving experience. For more great moving tips visit our blog and be sure to give us a call at 1-800-640-4487!


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